The Architectural reference library

The Department has an in house reference library, the Architectural Reference library. This is a reference library only, and books cannot be taken out on loan or removed from the room.

This library is specifically to support the design process and studio activities. The volumes on the shelves are mainly books which contain illustrations, books illustrating the work of prominent architects as well as technical books and brochures illustrating construction and materials technology. The design process relies heavily on a clear frame of reference based on mental images [something we refer to as your architectural vocabulary]. A mental image collection is similar to a language vocabulary. Just as an understanding of a word or term will allow you to communicate properly when writing, a thorough understanding of visual imagery will allow a student to design more effectively. This, of course, can only be acquired by visiting buildings and places and assessing them in an analytical manner. But with modern technology it is possible to be taken through a building or place by means of images, whether still or moving.

Visual stimulation is so important in the design process and you must use this facility to your advantage.

The library is supported with a locally adapted database, which should assist you in the search process. A brief instruction will be given to you to enable you to use this facility by the technical assistant on duty.

Please make sure that you are aware of the library’s regulations. The removal of any book without permission will lead to expulsion from the Department of Architecture, and probably also from the University.

The facility is available most of the time, as indicated by the published timetable on the door. It is regrettably not available after 4 in the afternoon but in exceptional circumstances special arrangements can be made.

tel: +27 12 382 5252
tel: +27 12 382 5028
Staatsartillerie Road, Pretoria West,
Building 11